healers HALL
The PCoG Manual is a training and reference resource for the Caste of Physicians & Healers in Second Life Gor.
The Physicians Caste of Gor Group ~ the basics, rules & regulation
Copy your role plays on the notecard provided in world. It is to be used to record your role plays.
These are recommendations only. This is YOUR tool. It is your proof of your training and experience. You should continue to tweak it even after you have achieved full physician status.
Each mentor is encouraged to come up with challenges to best meet the needs of their city and individual circumstances. Drag your actual role play onto this card and keep it like a journal.
a. Make a note card and copy and paste the rp into it name it then drag it into this note card.
b. Save all chat onto your hard drive in preferences and go back and enter it later. (this is recommended anyway as often you may have to justify what you did and its always nice to have the rp saved.
Use it to show your progress. Your mentor should ask you for it throughout your training.
1. VISIT and observe at different city’s infirmaries. Write your observations and thoughts about similarities and differences. Please make sure these are cities your city is friendly with. Go in in character. Please do not try and cause a problem. Explain to them you want to learn and compliment the city.
2. OBSERVE: Assist and observe a full physician in a treatment. Please add and comment your feelings on it.
3. TREATMENTS Provide examples of acting as the lead medical person in the rp.
4. Provide any role plays where you assisted or had others assist you. Show us how you can share and involve others into a role play. There can be any variety of treatment methods and injuries They can be a variety of different things your may rp. ((rps should use gor methods and devoid of earth onlinisms))
4. Add a note card of what you feel qualifies you to be a physician beyond the rp's above.
5. Complete any additional assignments made by your mentor in order to strengthen any area they feel are needed.
Add one self generated rp that is not related to above. The kind of things you may want to add is a inspection or court testifying or city council meeting where you report on the health of your city. Be imaginative.
8. Complete the Gorean Knowledge test
1. Fill in the blanks:
a. In almost every city, for example, one knows that there will be caste brothers on whom one may ____________. ____________, too, for example, is almost always associated with caste rights on Gor Caste
b. ….there are entire ________________ on Gor to whom caste is unknown.
c. Caste membership, for Goreans, is generally a simple matter of birth; it is not connected necessarily with ________________________, nor the attainment of a given level of proficiency in such skills.
2. Name the five castes from highest to lowest and give a general description of their role and include their caste color.
3. How are Goreans usually trained and why is this considered a good way to do it?
4. How is the role of women in the green caste different from the role of women in other High Castes?
5. What is the purpose of a woman giving birth to two children before practicing medicine?
6. Name two specialties that might be found within Green Caste, other than physicians.
7. Besides healing, what other work are Gorean physicians often engaged in?
8. What language are physician’s records kept?
9. Under what circumstances, if any, may a Physician use weapons?
10. Name some characteristics of members of the green caste. (HINT: “He is a member of the Caste of Physicians,” said Kusk, “and his __________ is superior even to that of Priest-Kings. Of what city? I asked.”)
11. What is the purpose of the of the Stabilization Serum?
12. Who invented the stabilization serum and where were they from?
13. Where and when did the physicians disseminate information and techniques among Caste Brothers, as is prescribed in their codes in spite of the fact that their respective cities may be hostile?
14. What did Physicians arrange for the Free of a city?
15. Fill in the blank. "What was regarded, and still is, by the Castes of Physicians as a disease, not an inevitable natural phenomenon. The fact that it seemed to be a universal disease did not dissuade the caste from considering how it might be combated. Accordingly the research of centuries was turned to this end. Many other diseases, which presumably flourished centuries ago on Gor, tended to be neglected, as less dangerous and less universal than that of_____________"
16. Fill in the blank. "Gorean success in combating aging may be partly due to the severe limitations, in many matters, on the technology of the human beings on the planet. Priest-Kings have no wish that men become powerful enough on Gor to challenge them for the supremacy of the planet. They believe, perhaps correctly, that man is a shrewish animal which, if it had the power, would be likely to fear Priest-Kings and attempt to exterminate them. Be that as it may, the Priest-Kings have limited man severely on this planet in many respects, notably in weaponry, communication and transportation. On the other hand, the brilliance which men might have turned into destructive channels was then diverted, almost of necessity, to other fields, most notably ___________"
17. What is the right of all human beings, be they civilized or barbarian, friend or enemy, free or slave?
18. Describe how the stabilization shots were administered, where given and doses needed and the conclusion?
19. There is a version of the Stabilization Serum that is called Rejuvenation Serum. What does this Rejuvenation Serum do?
20. What is the main ingredient in slave wine?
21. How often is slave wine given in the concentrated state, developed by the caste of physicians (after Blood Brothers of Gor) given? How often if it is an earlier formula or a healer’s formula? How often if they are chewing sip root?
22. What is given as a releaser for remission of slave wine and what is its main ingredient?
23. What is the difference between Slave Wine and Wine of the Noble Free Woman?
24. How was a slave checked for virginity?
25. What can be found on a slave girl that indicates she may be a barbarian?
26. Were there blood transfusions on Gor?
27. Describe at least five of the instruments found in the Physicians Cylinder and give an example of their use.
28. What instrument was developed by Physicians and used by Slavers?
29. What are three reasons why Physicians examine slaves?
30. Name two anesthetics used on Gor?
31. What is another name for the pox?
32. What city was closed for two years for the pox and how did they get rid of it?
33. How was the pox transmitted?
34. Give a description and common practice for those with Dar-Kosis?
35. Fill in the blanks. "Disease is now almost unknown among the Gorean cities, with the exception of the dreaded ___, or ____, research on which is generally frowned upon by the Caste of Initiates, who insist the disease is a visitation of the displeasure of Priest-Kings on its recipients. The fact that the disease tends to strike those who have maintained the observances recommended by the Caste of Initiates, and who regularly attend their numerous ceremonies, as well as those who do not, is seldom explained, though, when pressed, the Initiates speak of possible secret failures to maintain the observances or the inscrutable will of Priest-Kings."
36. What ingredient did the Physician Flaminius experiment with to find the cure for Dar-Kosis?
37. The Physicians used what animal and developed a strain of them resistant to the Dar-Kosis organism; a serum cultured from their blood was injected in other animals, which subsequently they could not infect?
38. What happened to the scrolls with this experiment?
39. What was the lie of the Initiates as it pertained to Dar-Kosis? Why did they tell the lie?
40. What was given Flaminius to restart the research?
41. What role was the Physician in the slave houses and public slave wagons?
42. What did the Merchants have the Physicians look for on ships coming into the ports?
43. Besides Bazi Plague and Dar Kosis what are the other two infectious diseases found on Gor?
44. Name three famous physicians on Gor and what cities they were from?
45. What was the physician’s role in preparing the message girl?
46. What city went against the code of warriors and used poisoned steel on their swords? How was this
poison tested and what did it do and is there a cure for it?
47. What did the physician’s do to create a poison slave?
48. In Slave Girl of Gor what appeared in the arm of the girl when the physician swabbed a chemical solution on her?
49. Iskander, of the physicians, had given the slave of a strange draft what did it do?
50. What is a cipher key of the mind?
51. Who used the marvelous healing ointment and from what city did it come?
52. What did the healing ointment do when it was absorbed?
53. Who are they referring to in this quote? "Oh how pleased I was when they beat him and he cried out," she said, "for I hated him so much I hated him for he was not a true man and even though of the Caste of Physicians could not stand pain. He could not even bear to hear the cry of a larl." I knew that Gorean caste lines, though largely following birth, were not inflexible, and that a man who did not care for his caste might be allowed to change caste, if approved by the High Council of his city, an approval usually contingent on his qualifications for the work of another caste and the willingness of the members of the new caste to accept him as a Caste Brother. "Perhaps," I suggested, "it was because he could not stand pain that he remained a member of the Caste of Physicians." "He always wanted to stop suffering, even that of an animal or slave."
Congratulations! You have finished the PCoG knowledge Test. Be sure to save your results, append it to your Skills Set and send a copy to your mentor
We offer general information on medical topics, by the book and others, designed to better prepare you to role play as a Second Life Gorean physician. Please do not use this information to treat real life medical situations. If you are unwell in real life, please seek the help of a qualified professional.
The information in this manual evolved over many years from contributions freely given by several dedicated individuals. This manual can be copied and shared with others so long as the original note cards are used and you do not misrepresent this as your work. You may use this Manual for personal use only. You may not charge for this Manual or parts thereof or otherwise use it for commercial reasons.