Medical Herbs
This site will identify herbs in gor that will be used for trade. Each herb will be identified and they will be grown exclusively in one of the cities/viliages of its regional climate and land conditions. They
will be set up to be regional and only those cities identifed of those regions can select that herb. This will allow for trade between cities and prevent all cities from producing all the herbs available we hope this brings some exciting opportunities to us. Here is the list of herbs click on them to see how they are mentioned in the books and how we think they can be used for healing. Please add your comments and ideas. We also hope you submit your recipes for tinatures or medicines. Sign up next to the plant mentioned. This link is good to determine what climate and growing can be used for many of the items listed here.. Know your city or region in Gor before you sign up. I am a fan of Jozie.. please look up what would be compatiable to climate on earth and pick from the above link.. Plant (click on the link below to read more)Region Mentioned in booksGroup Producing itContact PersonSURL Beans... there would be peas, and beans, cabbages and onions, and patches of the golden sul, capable of surviving at this latitude." — Marauders of Gor, page 81. Grown from the Northern regions to the Tahari. Brak Bush"... the doors of many homes are sealed with pitch and have nailed to them branches of the brak bush, the leaves of which have a purgative effect. [Norman, John (2010-07-01). Players of Gor (Gorean Saga 20 Capture ScentSoaked in a rag and scarf and held over the nose and mouth of a female it can render her unconscious in five Ihn. She squirms wildly for an Ihn or two, and then sluggishly, and then falls limp." Marauders of Gor Produced in Coastal regions Carrots"A great amount of farming, or perhaps one should speak of gardening, is done at the oasis ... and various root vegetables, such as turnips, carrots..." Tribesmen of Gor, page 37. Grown from the Northern regions to the Tahari. CherriesWith the tip of my tongue I touched her lips. Some slave cosmetics are flavored. "Does Master enjoy my taste?" she asked. "The lipstick is flavored," I said. "I know," she said.“It reminds me of the cherries of Tyros,” I said. [Beasts of Gor p28] Cinnamon of Gor"Yes," I said. "It is cinnamon and cloves, is it not?" "Yes," said Ulafi, "and other spices, as well." — Explorers of Gor, page 98. Clover"I set her down on a bed of green clover. Beyond it, some hundred yards away, I could see the border of a yellow field of Sa-Tarna and a yellow thicket of Ka-la-na trees." — Tarnsman of Gor, page 96. DatesDates come from the City of Tor. staple of the diet of the Tahari Tribesmen; they are sold in a tef (a handful with the 5 fingers closed; a tefa is 6 tefs (a small basket); Five such baskets constitute a huda. In large compressed bricks they are used in trade. "Tribesman of Gor" p. 46 FestalThis is a low-growing shrub found in the Tahari desert. "What sort of shrubbery?" I asked. "Some festal," he said, "some tes, a bit of tor." — Vagabonds of Gor, page 339. FrobicianThis would not be used by physicians as much as the slavers on the ships of aquisition. This is a Kur substance and is unknown. For trade purposes it would have to come from a Kur trader. Garlic"I have peas and turnips, garlic and onions in my hut." — Outlaw of Gor, page 29. Grown from the Northern regions to the Tahari. Gieron/Sajel"The drug," said Shaba, "was a simple combination of sajel, a simple pustulant, and gieron, an unusual allergen. Mixed they produce a facsimile of the superficial symptoms of Bazi plague."-Explorers of Gor, pg. 154-155 Lichens"There is often not enough food under any conditions, particularly I n northern Torvaldsland, and famine is not known. In such cases men feed on bark, and lichens and seaweed." — Marauders of Gor, page 55. Mint"...we had drunk the black wine, its spoons and sugars, a tiny bowl of mint sticks, and the softened, dampened cloths on which we had wiped our fingers." — Explorers of Gor, page 10. Mushrooms"I am an Alar," Hurtha explained. "Have a stuffed mushroom." — Mercenaries of Gor, page 81 Nutmeg"..... nutmegs and cloves, spikenard and peppers from the lands east of Bazi.."Captive of Gor, page 86. Onions"I have peas and turnips, garlic and onions in my hut." — Outlaw of Gor, page 29. Grown from the Northern regions to the Tahari. Peach"The fruit — grapes and peaches of some sort — was fresh and as cold as mountain snow." — Tarnsman of Gor, page 22. Pear"In her hand there was a half of a yellow Gorean pear, the remains of a half moon of verr cheese imbedded in it." — Explorers of Gor, page 62. Plum"The girl lifted her head then and timidly lifted the ripe, rounded fruit which she held in her hands. Gorean peaches and plums, to me." — Rogue of Gor, pages 194. Pomegranate"Pomegranate orchards lie at the east of the oasis." I said. — Tribesmen of Gor, page 174. Sajel/Gieron"The drug," said Shaba, "was a simple combination of sajel, a simple pustulant, and gieron, an unusual allergen. Mixed they produce a facsimile of the superficial symptoms of Bazi plague."-Explorers of Gor, pg. 154-155 Sedge"Some swarms of insects hung in the sedge here and there but I had not been much bothered" Raiders of Gor, page 5. This is brush which grows in and along marshes and swamps; wild rence plants. Spikenard"..... nutmegs and cloves, spikenard and peppers from the lands east of Bazi.."Captive of Gor, page 86.
TassaTassa powder, which was presumably used, as it commonly is in such situations, though doubtless most frequently with younger women, is tasteless, and, dissolved in liquid, colorless. (Prize of Gor, Chapter 4, page 58) TospitSmall, wrinkled, yellowish-white peach-like fruit, about the size of a plum, which grows on the tospit bush, patches of which are indigenous to the drier valleys of the eastern Cartius.